Starting May 8 the Saint Jude Parish Office 2024 MASS BOOK IS OPEN
Helpful information to guide you when you request a Mass
ANNOUNCED MASSES: Offered for a particular intention on a specific date. It can be in honor/memory of someone or for a special intention. They are announced at Mass and published in our newsletter.
SANCTUARY CANDLE: The candle burns in honor/memory of someone or a special intention for a particular month. The intention is published in our newsletter.
We are offering weekday masses, weekend masses, and our monthly first Saturday mass
Please NotE: By Papal Decree a mass every weekend is to be said for the parishioners of St Jude. Therefore, we have only 3 masses a weekend available for intentions and will need to be limited.
Requests can be made through email, or by phone (203)261-6404 or by visiting the parish office Monday-Thursday 9-3.
Stipend: Mass $10.00
Sanctuary Candle (month) $75.00
​Payment by cash or check at time of request
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
9 am to 3 pm